Aspettando il Natale con le fiabe - White Star
The wait for the most magical night of the year will be enchanting if we spend it together in the world of fairy tales! Every day, by opening one of the windows, we can enter a fairy tale and discover how the most famous fairy tale characters prepare for Christmas. Little Red Riding Hood, Cinderella, Snow White, Peter Pan, the three little pigs, Pinocchio, Puss in Boots and Alice in Wonderland will keep us company throughout the Advent period! Everyone will offer small games and simple decorations, explain how to make tasty recipes or excite us by listening to their favorite Christmas songs, collected in the dedicated playlist on Spotify. Happy countdown!
The perfect book to create, little by little, the right atmosphere at home and in the hearts of the little ones, moving us by listening to Santa Claus's favorite songs, collected in the dedicated playlist on Spotify.
Illustrator: Claudia Bordin
Product in hardback
Language: Italian
Dimension: 27x36x1.5cm
Reading age: from 4 years
Publisher: White Star KIDS
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