This series of posters is dedicated to some of the most famous children's fairy tales and was designed by illustrator Claudia Bordin.
Poster The Little Mermaid
Chiudi pacco disegnati a mano
Framed poster Lilipinso - Ballerina
Poster in canvas French national Library - Vegetables
Poster Ballerina - Classical dancers - Lilipinso
Poster in canvas French national Library - Butterflies
Large Round Disco Ball - Gold
Letter set for lightbox a4 - A Little Lovely Company
Letters For Retro Slate
Greetings Carp Koinobori
Support for posters - A Little Lovely Company
Posters - Caroline Ellerbeck
TERUG OP TEXEL - Storytiles
Set Posters To Lightbox A4 - A Little Lovely Company
Superman - Storytiles