Not only does greenery look great in our homes, it makes us feel better, too. Our Plant Boxes are a great way to bring plants into your home and outside spaces. It’s all about...
Dear customers,
starting from Tuesday 19 May, we will re-open the doors : we will be in the store to answer your calls and your emails and to prepare the many packages to be...
Il Natale illustrato 2019 firmato Le Civette sul Comò si trasforma e diventa La Grande festa dei giochi di Natale.
La ormai consolidata tradizione di allestire le vetrine...
Uno dei punti cruciali nello sviluppo progressivo di una cameretta è la scelta del fasciatoio. Arredo temporaneo ma indispensabile, è forse uno dei primi passi che i neo...
Si chiama lettino evolutivo, ma anche trasformabile, medio, junior, ed è la naturale evoluzione di un arredo che asseconda la crescita dei bambini.
Le pareti della cameretta sono spesso un cruccio quando si inizia ad arredare lo spazio per i bambini: la carta da parati ci viene in aiuto con tantissime proposte utili a...
A moment of meeting and pre-Christmas shopping, in Milan, at the showroom in Via Vannucci, 2, in which to present the latest games and more, for Christmas coming.
Wonderful design objects chosen by Le Civette on the dresser will enrich Ludum Enjoy's Bon Bon Bon Room, together with #CoWorKids, during #KDSGN -#wewerekids
Palazzo Re Enzo will host the three unique gourmet days in Italy: a real feast for the greedy.
The great chefs will present themselves to the public with their Christmas dishes...
Le Civette sul Comò, the first Italian online concept store dedicated to children's design, has been renovated and on 3 December it opens a new space in via Salmini 4.
Le Civette sul Comò, for the next Fuorisalone 2017, awaits you in the showroom, with Tutto fa Brodo.
For Christmas 2017 we present Living X(ma)S. A special day, Saturday, November 25, 2017, dedicated to pre-Christmas shopping, with workshops, workshops for children and...
Le Civette sul Comò, for the next Fuorisalone 2018, awaits you in the showroom, with LIVING XS - all-round design.
A great party, an opportunity to chat in person, start shopping on time and see our new Christmas set up.
The careful selection of furniture for children and parents, on the occasion of the Salone del Mobile in Milan, becomes extra small, with a game of windows to the centimeter.